Decapods at Westminster
On the 6th July last week, we held an event outside Westminster whilst the Grand Committee debated the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill in the House of Lords. We were there to show our support of amendments to the Bill which had been put forward so that decapod crustaceans (and cephalopod molluscs) could be included in its protections. We weren’t there alone... We were joined by some very special Crustacean Compassion supporters who dressed up in fabulous lobster, crab, shrimp and octopus costumes and really helped us to show the strength of support these vulnerable little animals have.
We were also joined by some supportive MPs and Peers: Baroness Hayman of Ullock, who tabled one of the amendments to include decapods, MP Tracy Crouch and Shadow Environment Minister Daniel Zeichner. We welcome and appreciate their support!
It was a great opportunity to be present on such an important day, meet some of our supporters (for the first time!), and remind the government about this important issue.

Photo: Charmaine Evans.
Breaking News
Just as we were winding down from the event, breaking news was revealed. There was an exciting announcement from The Times that the government is planning to include decapods in the Sentience Bill. This is extremely exciting and significant news; but we can't rest on our laurels until it is confirmed, and the ink is dry on the legislation! There is still a lot of work to be done.

How can you get involved?
This is the most critical point in our campaign so far. Decapods are on the edge of receiving protection. To make sure the government commit, we’re running two key actions: (1) Write to your MP using our pre-written letter. Enter your postcode to find your local rep and click send. It only takes a minute but makes a lot of difference.
(2) Join our selfie wall to show your support. This will be a visual reminder to the government of how much support there is for this issue.
Be a voice (and a face!) for these animals... Join our Selfie Wall now and ask your MP to speak out for decapod crustaceans. Please don't let these animals be 'forgotten' in the Sentience Bill!