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Report live sales of crustaceans

If you have seen live crabs, lobsters or any other decapod crustacean for sale, anywhere in the UK,

please share the details with us here.  

Unfortunately, it is not currently illegal to sell live decapod crustaceans in the UK, so these businesses are not doing anything unlawful. But this is a cruel trade, regardless of the conditions in which the decapods are kept, so we would like to know the scale of the practice and would like your help to be our eyes in your local area.  

If you are concerned for the welfare of the animals or the conditions they are in, please let us know and we will try to speak to the store owner to improve the situation. In every case we will contact the owner of the business directly, and the local governmental representatives in their area to try and find a resolution to this cruel trade. Any evidence received will be used in our campaigns – although names will be anonymised to protect individual.


Decapod crustaceans are not protected under the Animal Welfare Act, so the RSPCA are unable to help them or prosecute in cases of mistreatment or neglect. We are trying to change that. 


We are currently campaigning to get decapod crustaceans included in the Animal Welfare Act and to get live sales banned,

and we are working with seafood industry and businesses to improve the care and management of crustaceans in their care. 

Tell us what you've seen

If you see live decapod crustaceans for sale online, in a shop or in a fishmonger anywhere in the UK, please complete the form below.  

Please try to take photographs or video footage of any animals you find and the surrounding area and email them to Any photos or video footage submitted to Crustacean Compassion will be used in our campaigns to improve the welfare of decapod crustaceans across the UK. 

Where was this seen?

Where were they being sold?

When was this seen?

What was seen?

Did you take photographs or video footage? If so, please email to:

Your details

Add your text

Do you consent to be contacted, in confidence, by someone from Crustacean Compassion for further information about this report?

Latest Reports

Live lobster piled high in a tank in a local shop

This tank of live lobsters was found in a local shop in Wales. The lobsters were alive and in clean looking water, but were cramped and pile on top of each other with vey little room to move.

Crustacean Compassion UK animal welfare
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Contact us

Crustacean Compassion is a Not For Profit limited

company registered in England and Wales.

Registered number:


Registered office:

86-90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE


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