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crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Our story so far

In 2016 Crustacean Compassion was founded by a team of volunteers who were appalled to see live crabs being sold shrink-wrapped in plastic in a London shop. Inspired to create change for these vulnerable animals, they began a campaign for the legal protection and humane treatment for all decapod crustacean animals.  This work has led to several huge successes the most significance of which was the official and legal recognition of the ability of crabs, lobsters and other decapod crustaceans to feel pain, joy and suffering.  This was enshrined in UK law for the first time with their inclusion in the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022.


Since then, our organisation has grown massively and is now a fully funded not-for-profit company and employs over seven staff members with a Board of seven Trustees.  Now Crustacean Compassion leads UK and international partners in changing hearts and minds on the needs of these fascinating and vital creatures.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare


Appalled by news of live crabs being sold shrink wrapped in a London shop, Crustacean Compassion began as a voluntary organisation with an aim to put an end to cruel treatment for all decapod crustaceans.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare


Our public petition to the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is signed by over 40,000 people. We deliver this petition to the then Secretary of State, Michael Gove, along with a 3ft tall Valentines Day card asking him to “show lobsters some love!”

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Jun, 2020

As a result of our campaigning, Defra commissions the London School of Economics (LSE) to conduct a review of the evidence of sentience in decapod crustaceans (and cephalopod molluscs). We contribute to this review by submitting a document with over 300 points on evidence of sentience, welfare issues, impact and recommendations.


Jun, 2021

Crustacean Compassion becomes a member of Eurogroup for Animals and begins work to improve decapod crustacean welfare internationally.  

Welfare Issues - Crab Mosaic

Nov, 2021

Success! Following our lobbying and the publication of the LSE report which confirmed that decapod crustaceans are sentient, the UK government proposes an amendment to include them in the Sentience Bill which passes with cross-party political support. 

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Apr, 2022

It’s official – decapod crustaceans are considered sentient! The Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022 completes its passage through Parliament and receives royal assent. 

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Dec, 2022

And again – we visit No.10 to ask new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to better protect crustaceans in UK law.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Apr, 2023 

We co-host a workshop with the London School of Economics to bring together policymakers and researchers to discuss the use of decapod crustaceans in scientific procedures.  This results in the Home Office undertaking a Call for Evidence in UK universities evaluating the use of decapods in scientific procedures

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Jul, 2023

We were joined by MPs, academics, fellow NGOs and governmental officials at a parliamentary reception to publish our comprehensive new report, Sea-to-Plate: The Welfare Journey of Decapod Crustaceans.

Screenshot 2024-10-18 114106_edited_edit

Nov, 2023

Crustacean Compassion publishes new Code of Practice for the Welfare of Decapod Crustaceans in the Food Chain: from Capture to Killing.

the snapshot

Jan, 2024

We published the second benchmark report of the seafood industry - The  Snapshot 2023 - which ranks national supermarkets for the first time. 

Jules with Chris Packham


Our open letter calling on the then UK Secretary of State Michael Gove to include decapod crustaceans in animal welfare legislation, is signed by over 55 animal welfare experts and celebrity supporters including Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Bill Bailey.

RSPCA Winners


Crustacean Compassion awarded the RSPCA Campaigner Award.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Oct, 2020

Crustacean Compassion is established as a not-for-profit company.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Jul, 2021

With our supporters in tow, we hold an event at Westminster to call for the inclusion of decapod crustaceans in the Sentience Bill, which garnered huge media coverage.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Jan, 2022

Crustacean Compassion pushes forward with increased corporate engagement work to empower and advise the food industry on incorporating decapod crustacean welfare in their policies and management practices

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Oct, 2022

Our team visits Downing Street to present our keys asks for better crustacean welfare, to the new UK Prime Minister Liz Truss.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Jan, 2023

Crustacean Compassion launches The Snapshot, the world’s first industry benchmark on decapod welfare.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Jun, 2023

We launch the Crustacean Industry Welfare Hub - our brand-new website created specifically to provide information and resources to help seafood companies improve welfare standards for decapod crustaceans in their supply chain.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Aug, 2023

Our investigations show footage of ‘tailing’ live nephrops onboard vessels, this is the horrendous practice of tearing the tail of the live animal's body, to make ‘scampi’. This spearheaded a new campaign to ‘Close the Loophole’ and include crustaceans in the Animal Welfare Act.

crustacean compassion uk animal welfare

Jan, 2024

Our new board is complete with the addition of Georgina Groves as Chair,  who has taken over from one of its founding members to head a newly expanded board.

Crustacean Compassion UK animal welfare
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We’ll keep you up to date with the latest campaign news, appeals and ways you can take action to protect decapod crustaceans.

Contact us

Crustacean Compassion is a Not For Profit limited

company registered in England and Wales.

Registered number:


Registered office:

86-90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE


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